Let me thank the church for the hospitality. I'll say just two simple thoughts. No, well, three - first I will continue a story. Bill mentioned mom saved toddlers. Well, the very day in Florida Ann was to be born Mom had run down our dock and pulled me out of the bayou! 2. Mom lived alot of history - she grew from the farm girl who liked the feel of mud in her toes to become a pioneer flyer and world traveller. She managed a six-person station wagon as we drove through Europe over a summer. She helped me travel as a student to China, then herself went with a class on a China study. 3. Finally, we were a military family. Sometime it seemed our home base had two commanding officers. Mom was a tough leader, not always tactful, but sure of herself. This and her dedication to us made her the matriarch who nurtured four generations. We love and will miss you momma.